The key to patent knowledge 

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Patent my Plant

New and innovative plants can be patented. But there are several exceptions to this rule that you as an inventor need to be aware of

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Patent guide - HighTech​

Our valued patent guide suitable for companies within the tech industry.

Patent guide - Life Science​

Our valued patent guide suitable for companies within the Life Science industry.

Patent videos

IP Strategy

Learn how to make a winning IP strategy in only 8 minutes, and discover how an IP strategy can benefit your company.

Clinical Trials

Learn the basics of patents and clinical trials in only 10 minutes and discover how you can be pro-active when it comes to patenting of

Freedom To Operate

Learn the basics of Freedom To Operate and how to ensure market access in only 7 minutes, and discover how an FTO can benefit your


The Patenting Process

The patenting process can take several years and is characterised by a series of phases and many deadlines. These deadlines are important: if no actions are taken before certain deadlines, the patent application will lapse and no patent can be granted.

Below you will find a standard patent timeline.