Freedom To Operate

Are you sure your products are not infringing the patent rights of others?

FTO analyses provides an overview of existing patent rights

Are you sure, your products are not infringing the patent rights of others? You need to know this, before you put your product on the market – in fact before you even start producing or advertising your product.

A freedom-to-operate (FTO) analysis can provide an overview of existing patent rights in your technical field and be of assistance to you before making any major investment decisions.

An FTO analysis is crucial before launching a new product, as it can determine if you can actually produce and sell your product or use a specific method without infringing others’ rights.

It may also be relevant when selling or licensing a patent, as buyers and licensees often require assurance that the licensed product does not infringe others’ rights. Additionally, conducting an FTO analysis before filing a new patent application can be beneficial.

We provide comprehensive FTO searches for existing patent rights

Our experts are experienced in conducting comprehensive FTO searches for existing patent rights, carefully analyzing the scope of protection and validity of issued patents, as well as evaluating the probability of pending patent applications dominating the product or method in question.

We have extensive experience in analyzing issued patent claims based on national court case law in infringement cases.

Let us help you ensure that you have market access for your products.

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